What is G.E.N.T.L.E.?

Gentle, Excellence, Nurture, Trustworthy, Lifestyle, Enthusiastic.

EXCELLENCE - We believe that the best results come from using Gentle Factory's equipment that are safe, reliable, quality, and effective. Our team carefully select and source materials from reputable manufacturers who share our commitment to excellence. In addition to providing top-quality equipment, we are also committed to exceptional customer service and support. We believe that our clients should feel valued and supported throughout their Pilates journey. Hence, we are dedicated in helping you achieve exceptional results in your health and well-being goals by providing the highest quality experience possible.

NURTURE - We trust that Pilates can help us nurture our bodies and minds. It helps to reduce stress and tension, promote relaxation and mindfulness, and improve overall well-being. In Gentle Factory, our trained and experienced team of instructor with the highest quality equipment, we are ready to provide our client an extraordinary Pilates journey. Helping you to feel nurture and care for, as we walk side by side with you in this journey, you are not alone!

TRUSTWORTHY - We are committed to provide top-notch products and services to our clients. This includes ensuring that all equipment is up to standard, properly maintained and calibrated, as well as providing clear and accurate information about the products and services being offered. We will also assist our clients as they work with the equipment, as well as being available to answer any questions or address any concerns that you may have.

LIFESTYLE - Fitness and well-being should be a regular part of our daily routine. By incorporating Pilates into our lifestyle, including attending regular Pilates classes, practicing Pilates at home, or adding Pilates-inspired movements into one's daily activities, helps improve physical fitness and promotes a healthier lifestyle! Pilates can also be a social and community-building activity, as we participate in classes or workshops with others who share the same interests.

ENTHUSIASTIC - Enthusiastic in Pilates, reflects the passion and excitement that Gentle Factory have for the practice. We are determined to carry out a positive and energizing attitude in the Pilates community, which help to make it more enjoyable, exciting, and effective. We wish to be your inspiration as you start your Pilates journey with us, together we can create a sense of community and connection!